"Time for a Makeover - with Mary" Includes Holy Mass, time for prayer, discussion and the opportunity to share your faith with others. BYO Lunch - tea & coffee provided. RSVP by 3rd May at info@schoenstatt.org.au or phone (02) 4773-8338 Payments can be made by direct bank transfer or credit card upon registration.
Please contact Sr M Elizabeth for details
Program includes talk, opportunity for Reconciliation, Holy Mass, prayers, Benediction and fellowship. Speaker: Fr Pawel Barszczewski OP RSVP Agnes Aldana 0407 662 665 or Sr Luisa Maria 0439 537 976
A reflection day on the Virtues for men who seek to live a virtuous life. There are many virtues proposed by the Church and others added by society, but which ones do I need to concentrate on right now? This will be the day to look into this matter. This is part of what called […]
Sr Mary Louise Walsh Reflection, Talks, Holy Mass & Confession in the beautiful surrounds of Mount Schoenstatt Mulgoa BYO Lunch Tea & Coffee Provided
All dads are invited to spend an hour before the Lord in the Schoenstatt Shrine Mulgoa, on the second Wednesday of each month from 8-9pm, followed by supper in the […]